Kenny Bomer
Author / Public Speaker / Debater
"Without Allah I am nothing. Without Allah I am no one"
Kenny Bomer
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Dawah Fund

Your donations help Author Kenny Bomer place his books in the hands of Non-Muslims for free as a form of Dawah. Printing the books costs money. You can help by donating and also receive blessings yourself for helping to share Islam with others! Your donations also help Author Kenny Bomer with expenses associated with being an Author and propagator of Islam.
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Donations to the Author Kenny Bomer Foundation are used to help charities build water wells in countries where water is not readily available for basic needs. Donations also help provide educational materials for children in poor countries, and to help fight hunger, and homelessness.
To Donate/Pay by Check/Money Order
Kenny Bomer Foundation
2701 Helena Suite 402
Houston, TX. 77006
Click Here For Monthly Donation
Provides Aid to Charities & Dawah Efforts
© Kenny Bomer 2019